
Free motivational quotes app. Daily positive thinking made easy.

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About Drops

A free iOS app for daily motivational quotes and personal journaling to boost your mental wellbeing.

Based on science-backed methods, our goal is to help you live 1% happier and consciously every day.

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Key Features

Daily wisdom to keep you inspired

Short inspirational quotes

Notes on quotes for reflection

Notes for reflection

Explore our unique quote collections

Quote Collections

And much more

IOS widget on the screen

iOS widgets on screen

Decorate with design themes

Customize with design themes

Keep track of wisdoms

Keep track of wisdoms


  • Drops brings wisdom from the world’s greatest minds, offering a space for personal writing and reflection with an aim to help you think better. Start today to uncover timeless life insights, embrace happiness and achieve mental growth with our app for daily motivational quotes.

  • -Learn from masters:

    Who would you seek guidance from to learn about improving your life, cultivating a more positive mindset, and achieving greater fulfillment? Simple answer: those who do it well.

    -Sense of connection

    As inhabitants of this planet, we are all human beings who share emotions and common experiences. Recognizing that others have faced similar challenges or uncertainties fosters a sense of connection, security, and resilience.

    -Perspective Shift

    During emotional moments or challenging situations, breaking free from the haze is often a daunting task on our own. Right quotes can alter our perspective, offering a reminder that there is an alternative approach to handling things.

  • -Reflection and review progress

    Writing allows you to chronicle your life journey, and revisiting your past records provides effective realization of the substantial progress and evolution you have undergone.

    -Release your emotions

    Based on scientific evidence, writing has the capacity to release emotions in a constructive manner, particularly when you're documenting challenging situations or emotions. In this context, writing acts as an outlet for emotions and contributes to gaining mental clarity.

    -Self discovery

    Expressing thoughts through writing can resemble navigating a mental landscape. Various ideas swirl within your mind, and through the act of writing, you may frequently be astonished or delighted to rediscover your inner voice, which may have been concealed for some time.

  • -Increase self-esteem

    Affirmations prove more effective when consistently repeated. Given our tendency to forget, frequent positive reminders serve the singular purpose of reinforcing our personal growth and enhancing self-esteem.

    -Reduce stress and anxiety

    Stress and anxiety often accompany our hectic daily lives. Regular reminders act as a force to assist us in unwinding, relaxing, and regaining composure in a brief moment.

    -Fine tune your emotions

    From time to time, our emotions can become overwhelming. With reminders that bring calmness and insights, we become better equipped to restore a peaceful mind with enhanced clarity.

  • -Double your joy

    Pay it forward. Spread the wisdom or good ideas around. What inspires you could also make a difference in the life of someone else.

    -Enhance relationships

    Words carry their own magic if they’re sent to the right audience. By sending chosen words to your loved ones, you are also bringing magic to ignite your relationships.

    -Grow together

    It becomes even more beautiful when growth is a shared experience. Share what contributes to your progress, align with your loved ones, and embark on the journey toward a better life together.